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Typewriter Keys

All of us allow ourselves to be consumed by life, and in the process, we lose the essence of who we are, the opportunity to connect with like minded people, listen to our gut instinct. Some time back I chose to quit a job that I had worked for 10 years and allowed myself the risk of not having anything to do. In this period when I chose the ambiguous road ahead, life happened and work miraculously came in. Work which provided me more variety, creativity and most importantly, flexibility.

Here is why I freelance – I choose happiness, I love the prospect of not doing anything, making less but enough money to be happy. It gives me the luxury of enjoying my tea, chatting with friends, reading to my daughter and being around my family. I love the prospect of planning a holiday with my husband and not worry about juggling work dates.

As I look back at my life, I feel I found myself in places where I chose to let go and chose to control less. Sometimes when we follow our gut instinct, answers come gushing to us with revelations and life plans.

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